The Raid

Both Sully’s and Tina’s team raid Moreno’s train. Jimmy and BastardAss search the kitchen car while Bacon and Bitz search the lounge car. Judaun, Birdie and BumbleBee are in the dining car but it’s fairly empty, so BumbleBee searches the car while Judaun assists Birdie with surveillance, Bo operates the train while Sully, Sam and Tina search the study.

One side of study is lined with bookshelves full of books and two cabinets of drawers. The other side has lounge chairs and sofas with drawers’ underneath. Sully is searching through all the drawers, Sam and Tina are looking through the books. Sam is flipping through a book when he finds a key hidden inside the binder of a book. he casually palms the key into his hand so that neither Sully nor Tina notice that he’s found something. Now he needs to find something with a keyhole that fits the key, so Sam casually walks away from the bookshelves, rubbing his eyes and says, “I just can’t with all these books. there’s too many.”

There’s a large traditional clock hanging on the wall and sam walks over to the clock and says, “Maybe there’s something behind this clock.” He takes it down but there’s nothing there. Then he turns it over but there’s nothing there either.He pretends to be frustrated and walks over to the pillow cushions and starts ripping them open and says, “ya know there really needs to be a sign that says, ‘door hidden here’ or ‘push button for next clue’ so we won’t have to search through 100s of books.

Tina: They have a lot of books. Rather or not they read them is another story. She takes another book off the shelf, searches it and says, “What do you think? Do you think they’ve read any of these books?”

Sam: probably. they’re both pretty smart. he looks under the sofa but there is nothing there, then continues to say, “and arrogant.”

sully looks uncomfortable but doesn’t say anything. tina notices sully’s discomfort but continues to ask, “They? There’s more than Moreno?”

sam looks under a lamp shade: yes. there’s moreno and jameson. jameson is the the front man, but moreno runs the show.

tina: so, you’ve met them?

sam looks in drawer of end table: oh yeah, that’s when all the problems started. He finds a flask. he opens it, smells the contents, drinks and says, “ah yeah, that’s a keeper.” then puts the flask in his back pocket.

tina: what sort of problems?

sam looks under the skirt of a chair: huh? oh yeah…at the dinner party. ((looks at a photo of moreno that is on the end table) nathan and i had just found a trinket for this guy that had too much time and money to burn. (finds a metal chest) he had a dinner party to celebrate and we were invited. We met Jameson at the party. And everything went down after that. (tries the key in the lock but it doesn’t work)

tina: the problems started at a dinner party? that must’ve been some party

sam smiles and says: oh yeah. lookie what we have here. sam pulls out the metal chest and shows it to sully and tina.

sam: hey sully, you think you can open this?

sully: you can’t?

sam: i left my tools in my other pants

tina: let me take a look at it. She takes a hair pin out of her hair and uses it to unlock the chest. inside the chest is a box with a sliding puzzle on top. each sliding piece has a word written on top.

sam recognizes some of the words. he reaches for the box and says: this looks like- but tina closes the case before he touch it and says, “I’ll take that.”

sam: “oh come on. i found it.”

tina: Thank you for the contribution to the cause

sam: contribution?

tina: do we have a problem?

sam: whatever. he walks away and continues to say, just don’t come running to me when you need help solving that puzzle.

tina gives him a curious look but says nothing as she puts the puzzle box into her backpack. sam starts searching through the books again, but starts where tina stopped. Tina is annonyed by this and when sam grabs his a book to search tina grabs the one right next to it. she searches it quickly but sam searches his faster and has finished searching two books by the time she’s done searching her first. so she searches even faster but can’t keep up with sam. they race through the entire bookshelf. as they approach the end they both notice an exceptionally large book with red and gold embroidery. they both reach for the book but tina pushes sam to ground before he can grab it.

sam: really? is that what we’re doing now?

tina grabs the book, but can’t open it. turns out it’s not a book at all but a chest designed to look like a book. it’s covered with beautiful embroidery but has a heavy lock on the front.

sam: alright fine. do your thing. let’s see what we’ve got.

tina: i’ll open it later

sam rolls his eyes and walks away: you’re unbelievable. tina gives him a wicked smile as he walks away toward the other end of the train car.

sully slams a drawer in frustration: well, i can’t find a god damn thing.

bacon (through the walkie talkie): Tina. you got a copy

tina: yes. what’s up?

bacon: we need you in the lounge car. we think we’ve found something.

tina: on my way. tina leaves the train car but takes the chest with her

sam: i don’t like that woman

sully: careful sam. she likes you

sam: yeah right

sully: just watch your ass ok. there’s a reason why i broke up with her

sam: you broke up with her?!

sully: she’s digging our grave as we speak. we’ve got to get away from her.

sam: victor sullivan. am i hearing this right? are you running scared from a woman?

sully: god damint sam listen to me. she’s not looking for nathan. she’s not going to pay us. she’s going to kill us soon as we’re no longer profitable.

sam concerned: so what do you think we should do

sully: i think we need to get away from her

sam: yeah, but how

sully: i don’t know yet. we’ve got to save our own ass before we can save nathan’s

sam: nathan is heading for the treasure. same as everyone else

sully: is that all you care about

sam: what are you talking about?

sully: i’m talking about the treasure

sam: victor don’t start

sully: whenever nathan’s in trouble your number one priority is the treasure

sam: ah for fuck’s sake, nathan’s fine. if he wasn’t, chloe would’ve still been tied up, but they were both gone. so they’re both together and they’re both fine. matter of fact, they’re prolly making out right about now. however, we are not fine. unfortunately, i think you’re right. i think she means to kill us as soon as she no longer needs us. so…any minute now.

sully: then we need to-

bumblebee enters the train car and says nothing. she takes a seat by the door. lays her pistol on her lap and glares at sam and sully.

they stop arguing immdiately, look at each other and sam whispers: yikes

sully clears his throat and says: so how ’bout them chiefs?

sam: yeah mahomes played one hell of a game didn’t he?

sully: sure did. the offense was fierce too, but he still pulled it off.

sam: but how did he pull it off?

sully: well when the other team…uh…who were they playing?

sam: the ravens

sully: when the ravens through that interception they got all lost and confused. they didn’t know what to do after that.

sam: but they had to turn the ball over to the chiefs. they didn’t have a choice.

sully: hmm…you’re right. they didn’t.

birdie through walkie talkie: tina you got a copy?

tina through walkie talkie: yeah. what’s up?

birdie: the buoys are going off. it’s only a yellow alert but every single one of them are going off as a yellow.

tina: do you have an eta

birdie: about 3 min

tina: everybody take 30 sec to wrap up then head to the osprey.

bumblebee stands up, nods towards the door. sully takes the lead out the door followed by sam, then bumblebee. tina’s team is already onboard when they climb onto the osprey. all hands are accounted for.

tina: is everyone here? they all look around for anyone missing. she continues to say: ok let’s go.

bo starts up the engine and tthe take off. seconds later and rpg barely misses them

B: woe

B: what the fuck

tina: i thought you said they were 3 minutes out.

birdie: they are but apparently, they have a rpgs

bo moves the osprey higher to avoid being being shot: if they’ve got rpgs we are gonna have a hard time getting away. another rpg whizzes by them barely missing them:

Bo: does anyone have a visual?

birdie: copy that. they’re on foot. it’s just a bunch of people running. with rpgs.

sam: hunters?

sully: yeah, about 200 of em.

judaun: shit

another rpg whizzes by but this time clips the tip of the back wing.

bo: we’re going down.

B: shit. we’re too low for parachutes.

tina: everybody! brace for impact!

another rpg takes off the right wing. the osprey crash lands about 10 miles away from the train tracks. except for a few cuts sand bruises, they all survive the landing.

sully crawls out of the wreckage: so far. i’m not having any fun.

tina: where are we? does anyone recognize these parts?

B: yeah, i was just here a few weeks ago. we’re not far from pececito. it’s a little town about 5 miles away.

sully: 5 miles? we’ll never make it. not with those hunters chasing us.

tina: birdie set the buoys to detonate. if they’re carrying those rpgs that should blow the shit out of them.

birdie: how much delay?

tina: 60 seconds. everyone else, grab what you need. birdie prepares the first buoy while tina’s team grabs all they can carry

sam: wait a sec. what are we doing here?

B: running

sam: yeah, i know that but where?

B: we’re running to pececito. birdie is setting the buoys to detonate if anything gets close to it with a delay of 60 secs.

B: don’t fall behind because we’re not coming to get you, especially since those buoys will be going off.

sully: god damn

tina: birdie, is the first buoy ready.

birdie: they’re all ready. i just gotta start the timer.

tina: start the timer. she looks at sully and says: don’t fall behind.

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