All Aboard

Sam and Jesse return to the rent-a-car shop. They pull into the parking lot where they find Sully is arguing with a very irate rental agent.

The Rental Agent says, “Tu robastes mi motocicleta hijo de perra.”

Sully says, “You’re upset. I get it, but that’s all I understand.”

Sam gets out of the car and says to Sully, “We need to move. They’ve got Nathan.”

Sully says, “I love it when a plan comes together. You put a tracker on him, right?”

Jesses hesitates and says, “Yeah…we got a tracker on him…”

Sully takes note of Jesse’s hesitation and asks, “What? What’s wrong?”

The Rental Agent says, “No mi ignores hijo de puta. Quiero mi dinero por mi motocicleta!”

Sully gestures to Sam, indicating that he wants him taken handle The Rental Agent and says, “Sam, do you mind?”

Very calmly, Sam says, “Vamos a dentro para que puedamos areglar este problema.” Sam takes out his wallet and opens it, while walking inside the office with The Rental Agent.

Sully says to Jesse, “What happened?”

Jesse says, “We followed them alright. Gave ’em a good chase and everything, but it wasn’t Chloe’s team.”

Sully asks, “Who was it?”

Sam walks out of the office rubbing his hand and says, “We don’t know, but I think it was Moreno’s boys.”

Sullys yells, “Those superhuman mother fuckers? Are you shitting me?!”

Sam says, “Sully-“

Sully says, “God damnit Sam, I told you this was going to happen. These people aren’t playing around and now they’ve got Nathan.”

Jesse says, “And Chloe.”

Sully asks, “Chloe?”

Sam says, “Yeah, we saw them put them both in the back of a car.”

Sully says, “Great so now they’ve got the key too. You two assholes really fucked up this time.”

Sam says, “Sully-“

Sully says, “Save it. Whatever bullshit excuse you’ve got Sam, I don’t want to hear it.”

Sam holds his tongue but balls his hand into a fist. Jesse senses the tension between the two and says to Sully, “We fucked up alright, but they’re gonna find Nathan’s tracker. We need to hurry up before we lose him for real.”

Reluctantly, Sully says, “Let’s go.” They all get into the car and Sully continues to say, “We’ll talk about this later Sam.”

Cut to:

INT. Back of Armored Truck – Day

Nathan and Chloe are both thrown into the back of an armored car. The door is slammed shut and locked behind them. Their hands are tied behind their backs, their feet are bond with rope and it’s pitch-black in the back of the truck.

Chloe says, “You sure know how to show a lady a good time Nate.”

Nathan says, “It’s part of my charm.” He hears people talking outside the truck and says, “Shhh. Listen.”

They hear a voice ask, “Are we ready to go?”

Another voice responds, “Yeah, we just put the thieves in the back of the truck.”

The first voice says, “Hmpf. Annoying little peasants. Always in the way, always taking what’s not theirs, always slowing things down.” The voices are moving around the truck as they speak.

The passenger door opens, and the second voice says, “Yeah, and always getting caught.” He closes the door.

The door on the driver’s side opens and closes, then the first voice says, “Speaking of thieves, a bunch of local mercenaries tried to storm the palace the other day.”

The Driver starts up the truck and The Passenger says, “What? Why?”

The Driver says, “They don’t like us in their territory. They were trying to scare us off.”

The Passenger says, “That was stupid. How many were there?”

The Driver says, “About 500 or so.”

The Passenger says, “That’s not nearly enough.”

The Driver says, “No it wasn’t.” He starts the car. “I heard it was a slaughter. A few got away but most died in the fight.”

The Passenger says, “Did we take any captives?”

The Driver says, “We tried to take their wounded, but they all had some kind of explosive waiting for us.”

The Passenger asks, “What do you mean?

The Driver says, “I mean they set traps. One of their wounded set a trap that took out 3 men with hidden mines. After that we shot any survivor.” The truck starts moving.

Chloe scooches her way towards Nathan and whispers, “Keep quiet. They can hear us.” She scooches around to his back and whispers, “Stand up on three. Ready?”

Nathan whispers, “Yeah.”

Chloe counts out, “1, 2, 3.” Back-to-back, they push off each other and stand up together. Chloe wiggles her bonds at her wrist down passed her buttocks, then eases back to the floor.

Nathan asks, “What are you doing?” As he eases his way back to the floor.

Chloe whispers, “Trying to get these bonds off.” She lays on her back, flattens her legs as close to her chest as possible, as she pulls the bonds on her wrists up over her feet.

Nathan asks, “Is there anything I can do to help?”

Sarcastically, Chloe says, “Yeah, can you help me take my top off?” She reaches inside her boot and pulls out a knife and starts cutting her wrists free.

Shocked, Nathan asks, “Really? I mean, if you think it’ll help.”

Annoyed, Chloe says, “Will you stop it already?” She’s cut her hands free and is now working on freeing her feet.

Nathan says, “Alright, fine.” He tries to hide his disappointment by changing the subject and asks, “Who are these guys?”

Chloe says, “They call themselves The Knight Lights. They’re defectors of The Librarians.” She’s cut her feet free and starts working on Nathan’s bonds.

Nathan asks, “Who?”

Chloe asks, “Still haven’t done your research eh?” She’s cut Nathan’s hands and feet free.

Nathan says, “I’ve been busy getting shot at.” He rubs his wrists to soothe the rope burns, then continues to say, “While I was trying to rescue you.”

Chloe says, “Ah…well, The Librarians are descendants of the Incan empire. They guard ‘The Library of the Sun’ which holds all the knowledge of psychic strength and development and ‘The Library of the Moon’ which holds all the knowledge of physical strength and development.” She starts to put the knife away but hands it to Nathan instead and says, “Here. My thanks for saving me…well…almost saving me.”

Nathan says, “Thanks.” He puts the knife away and continues to say, “We still could make it out of this alive.”

Chloe says, “That’s the plan.” she opens a side pocket of her other boot, pulls out a flashlight and looks around the truck. The truck is empty.

Chloe says, “Damn. They really covered their bases.” She inspects the back door of the truck for a possible weakness.

The truck slows down as it turns off road and The Driver says, “You know that they never found the key?”

The Passenger says, “The mercenaries?”

The Driver says, “No. Team Alpha.”

The Passenger says, “One of the thieves must have it. Or they’ve hid it somewhere.”

The Driver says, “Either way, it’s sure to be a fun interrogation. I don’t think we should be going unless we actually have the key in hand.”

The Passenger says, “We have to go. Whoever has the key is already on their way to the room of gold. If we leave now, we can still catch them.”

The Driver saysn “Oh. So that’s why they’re bringing hunters.”

The Passenger asks, “They’re bringing in hunters?”

The Driver says, “Yeah, we’ve got a hoard of them.”

The Passenger laughs and says, “This is gonna be fun.”

Chloe whispers, “We need to get the hell out of here.” She focuses her attention on the lock.

Nathan asks, “What’s a hunter?”

Chloe whispers, “A problem. If they release the hunters, it’s game over. We’ll have to break the lock?”

Nathan whispers, “Too bad you don’t have a stick of dynamite in those boots.”

Chloe whispers, “Who says I don’t?”

Nathan asks, “Do you?”

Chloe whispers, “Nahh.” But pulls out what looks like pen. She sets it next to the lock on the door, turns the end of it and a small laser beam comes from it.

Nathan asks, “Where did you get that?”

Chloe answers, “Eh…an old boyfriend.” She hands him the flashlight to hold.

Nathan says, “The same one that was chasing us?” He snatches the flashlight and shines it at the spot she’s drilling.

Chloe says, “Nahh, this guy was forever ago.” She stops cutting at door, looks at Nathan and asks, “Jealous?”

Unconvincingly, Nathan says, “No.” Chloe smiles and refocuses on the lock. He recomposes himself and asks, “What is this beautiful light that I keep hearing about?”

Chloe says, “I don’t know. And my resources don’t know or won’t tell me.” A small piece of the lock falls and she continues to say, “Most likely, they won’t tell me, but I do know that it’s the reason why The Knight Lights defected.”

Nathan says, “So they had it, then lost it and now they’re trying to reclaim it.”

Chloe says, “Pretty much.”

Nathan rolls his eyes and says, “Never heard that one before.”

The truck slows down and comes to a stop.

Nathan says, “Crap. Chloe, where’s the key?” Both passenger and driver’s side door open and close.

Chloe whispers, “I don’t have it.”

Intently, Nathan says, “They’re going to torture us.”

Chloe says, “You think I don’t know that?” Chloe is still working on the back door when it opens. Jameson is standing at the door with a dozen knights with swords.

Nathan waves and says, “Heeeyyy, how’s it going? How’s the family?”

The soldiers forcefully drag them out of the truck. They’ve been brought to a train station where a long luxurious awaits. There are soldiers working along the train, loading it with supplies.

Jameson walks up to Chloe, caresses her cheek, smiles and says, “You look absolutely delicious Ms. Frazer.” He looks at the lock on the door of the armored car then continues to say, “And always so…resourceful.” He opens his hand and says, “If you please.” Chloe hesitates, so he continues to say, “Please don’t do anything stupid.” Reluctantly she hands him the pen.

Jameson looks at the pen and says, “Thank you my dear.” He inspects the pen, raises an eyebrow, looks at Chloe and asks, “Should I be jealous?” He puts it in his pocket and continues to say, “Walk with me.” He turns around and walks towards the train. Nathan and Chloe are pushed from behind and forced to follow.

Jameson says, “Treasure hunting can be such a competitive business. You’ve got to do what you’ve necessary to stay ahead of the competition. Rather it be honest or dishonest doesn’t matter, as long as it’s effective. For example, did you know there was a hidden recorder in the truck? We heard everything. Now, some might consider it to be dishonest, but it was effective.”

Jameson stops at a what looks like an animal crate. There are breathing holes near the top, but the rest of the crate is sealed tight. There’s a strange breathing sound coming from the crate. It sounds like many stressed animals that are uncomfortably confined. Chloe’s eyes widen as they near the crate. He recognizes Chloe’s discomfort and says, “Ms. Frazer, would you care to explain to your friend what these are?”

Chloe says, “Wha…are you mad? You can’t control those…those monsters.”

Jameson says, “I can, but I can’t tell you how I control them. Which brings me to my next point on treasure hunting. Always keep an ace in the hole. Another example of an ace in the hole could be…uh…I don’t know…maybe a tracker. ” He gives Nathan a side eye and continues on to the train. Nathan and Chloe are pushed from behind and forced to follow again.

Jameson says, “Another unfortunate side of treasure hunting is that it can sometimes be quite unpleasant. One could even say messy.” They reach the train and board it. The train car is very classy. There is a crystal chandelier, cushioned chairs, tables, and a bar. He takes a seat as two of the soldiers tie them up to the ceiling by their wrists. He nods to dismiss the other soldiers.

Jameson says, “Your friend Nathan was correct in assuming we would torture you. That’s the unfortunate side, but also effective.” Chloe and Nathan are both tied to the ceiling, but their feet can still touch the floor. Jameson walks over to Chloe, smiles seductively and says, “So, you don’t have the key, but you did have it last. That’s very important.”

Jameson walks behind her and says to Nathan, “Tell me something.” He takes out a knife and caresses her neck with it. “Do you think she’s beautiful?”

Nathan asks, “What the hell? What’s is wrong with you?” One of the soldiers punches him hard in his stomach.

Jameson casually continues to say, “I think so.” He gives Nathan a wicked smile, then says, “But it doesn’t matter rather or not you think she’s beautiful, because we already know the answer to that. The really question is rather or not she feels the same.” He whispers in Chloe’s ear, “Let’s find out, shall we.” To the soldiers he says, “Gentlemen, if you would be so kind.”

The two soldiers start beating Nathan and Chloe screams, “No!” As she struggles to free herself, she cuts herself on Jameson’s knife. He raises his hand and the soldiers stop beating Nathan.

Jameson walks around to face Chloe, looks at his knife and says, “It seems we have our answer, and this just got interesting.” He nods to dismiss the soldiers, then continues to say to Chloe, “Tsk, tsk, tsk, it is unfortunate that you don’t have the key.” He lifts her face with his index finger while caressing her bottom lip with his thumb asks, “Are you sure you don’t want to tell me where it is? Just think of Nathan’s beautiful little face. Don’t want it to get…messy.” Chloe tries to bite his thumb, but he casually moves his hand away in time and walks away as if nothing was amiss.

Moreno enters the train car with two soldiers and a servant.

Jameson says to Moreno, “Greetings my lord. I pray everything meets your approval.”

Moreno looks at Nathan then back at Jameson and says, “You started the interrogation without my leave?”

Jameson says, “Only a test my lord, to prove a theory. It seems Chloe affections for Nathan as well.”

Moreno says, “That is useful information, but you still could’ve waited. In the future, do not began interrogations unless I am present. Is that understood?”

Jameson says, “Yes my lord. My apologies.”

Moreno says, “Good.” He takes a seat and says, “Now, let’s discuss the location of the key.”

The train starts moving.

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