
Sully, Sam and Jesse are flying in one of Sancho’s Osprey with Tina and her team. She chose seven of her best soldiers for the rescue mission. There’s the pilot ( ), the medic (Jimmy), the tech wizard (Birdie), the sniper ( ), and three muscle soldiers ( ), ( ) and ( ).

(the joke)

-birdie releases golf ball size drone that he calls buoies
—they are proximity detectors
—–if something gets with 15 meters of the buoy it’ll transmit a signal to them
-tina explains to sully that they probably already know we’re coming
—the mission is to disable the enemy, raid what they can, then leave
—–all sully’s team has to do is stay out of the way and not die
-as they close in on the train, birdie sends his hummingbird
—hummingbird is a drone that looks like a hummingbird
—it’s beak can pick locks and open doors
-the hummingbird searches the train and everyone watches the screen
-sully wants to search for nathan but tina wants to find their way onto the train so they can raid it
-hummingbird releases the car train with moreno
—then moves on to release the next car but is spotted
—–humming bird is fast and avoids the capture
—release all but the first 5 cars
—checks the cars and sees no one on them

-birdie gives and all clear and the pilot lands the osprey on an empty train car
-they all get off the osprey and raid the train
—–birdie continues to drop buoys
—during the raid they find:
—–a gold falcon rifle,
—–a fancy hat
—–a locked chest with manuscripts from the library of the moon
—birdie informs the team that buoies are going off
-tina asks how close
—then gives the team 30 secs to wrap up and return to the osprey
-they return to the plane
-it takes off
-seconds later rpg barely misses them
-the pilot uses evasive manuvers
—but is eventually hit and goes down
-it’s a rough landing but they all land safely
-they take what they can and run to a nearby village

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