Uhura Ruth



Inside an old hotel room, The Lady sits tied to a chair. Sam stares her down looking for answers, while Jesse and Nathan watch from their seats. Sully, seemingly not interested in the interrogation, is actually the most dangerous person in the room. He sits quietly, apart from Nathan and Jesse. Sternly, Sam asks, “Where […]

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Almost Doesn’t Count

At a small local bar, Nathan, Sam and Jesse meet up with Sully. He doesn’t speak, he only drinks his whiskey and the silence is deafening. After about the 5th shot he finally asks, “Tell me…one more time…how…did you…LOSE…the jeep?” Nathan awkwardly says, “Well…see…this is what happened…we-“ Sullivan says, “Shut up,” and downs another shot

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Eye of the Beholder

On the other side of the wall, Nathan and Sam see a small but bright light shining through a narrow opening on the opposite side of the room. As they walk closer, they see a key laying in between 2 large flats of rock. Both flats appear to be cut into the cave. The key

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In the Beginning…

The story begins with a business deal. Victor Sullivan is in the office of a mansion discussing a business deal with a man named Thomas Jameson. Sullivan asks Jameson, “So…tell me more about this little trinket that you want us to acquire?” Jameson casually answers, “It’s just that. A simple little trinket.” Sullivan isn’t convinced.

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Sancho Oeste

A powerful mercenary in South America, Sancho Oeste is my first attempt to represent a popular gamer in the story. Named after the gamer Sancho West, Oeste is meant to represent West’s play style not his personality. Oeste is a very cheerful person but has some very serious untreated bipolar issues going on. He’ll uplift

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Henry Talbot

Raised at Harrow School, Henry Talbot received an elite education. This is where he first met Dr. Wilson, a psychology professor at the school and a member of ‘The Order of the Golden Dawn’. Talbot’s natural ability to skillfully manipulate his school mates is what first caught the Dr. Wilson’s attention. Talbot and The Order

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Lucius Moreno

Born in the Miraflores district of Lima, Peru, Lucius Moreno was raised to believe that he was a descendant of The Knight Lights, defectors of the Librarians. At a very young age he was educated on everything related to The Library of the Sun, The Library of the Moon and The Librarians. He is aware

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Thomas Jameson

Raised at Harrow School, Thomas Jameson received an elite education. This is where he first met Dr. Colbern, a physics professor at the school and a member of ‘The Order of the Golden Dawn’. Jameson’s calculated and seductive ability for hiding in plain sight is what caught Dr. Colbern’s attention. He noticed that everything Jameson

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Jesse Dwayne

Jesse Dwayne

Jesse was born to an African American father, Dwayne and a South Korean mother, Mai. His grandfather, a wealthy politician, named Dae-Hyun didn’t approve of his parent’s relationship and when his daughter fell ill, his grandfather only agreed to care for her if she abandoned her lover and son. Dwayne didn’t want to see the

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