Drone Strike

chloe: now that’s over with, nathan this is my partner charlie. charlie this is nathan.

charlie: nathan? is that the same guy who botched the stealth job at the mansion.

nathan: hey, i didn’t botch anything.

chloe: yeah, you did.

nathan: no, i improvised.

chloe rolls her eyes.

charlie pulls out the sword: anyways, so what are we doing now? dropping what’s-his-face off at wherever then going find the treasure?

nathan: hey

chloe: hold on. we’ve got something on radar. what is that?

nathan and charlie look at the radar.

charlie: uh….that looks like a missile.

nathan: no. that’s a drone.

charlie: no way that’s a drone

nathan: it’s an attack

charlie: well yeah

chloe: it’s closing in. does anyone have a visual?

Bullets rain through the right side of the helicopter. the team ducks as the drone passes by. chloe steers the helicopter down towards the left. With the drone infront of them, it presents a clear shot, but it’s much faster than the helicopter and veers off to the right and out of range.

chloe: Anybody wanna do something about that? I’m kinda busy at the moment.

nathan and charlie: i’m on it. nathan and charlie and nathan look at each other with annoyance

chloe: i’m talking to both of you.

nathan gets on the cabin gunner and charlie gets on the front gunner. the drone come in for another pass on the right. Nathan fires at it but misses and it speed away. It crosses infront of them again and Charlie shoots at it but he also misses.

charlie: damn that thing is fast.

the drone coms in for another pass from the lower left.

Nathan: it’s coming in from the lower left.

charlie: i see it

Nathan fires at it, but misses and it flies away. this time it stays out of range of charlie’s gun.

charlie: clever little bugger aint it

nathan: someone’s flying that thing.

chloe: hmpf jameson

charlie: what did you ever see in him anyways?

chloe: are we really doing this now?

charlie: he’s trying to kill us

nathan: or he realized he forgot to interrogate someone.

he drone fires at the helicopter’s tail and it shakes violently

chloe: will someone get rid of that bloody thing

nathan: he’s not giving me a shot

charlie: he’s above us. can you gain some altitude?

chloe: no. there’s too much turbulance. we have to land.

the drone circles up and around and fires again, this time it hitting the propellors. the helicopter shakes violently as it starts to go down. chloe pulls back on the cyclic stick as hard as she can, but it has no effect.

chloe: i can’t keep it in the air. we’re going down!

both nathan and charlie grab a parachutes and prepare to jump from the helicopter.

charlie: wait. we need weapons and a walkie talkie for when we get separated.

nathan: good idea

they both grab weapons and walkie talkie. prepare to jump

nathan: i’m on channel 5.

charlie: got it. chloe?

chloe: right behind you. see you on the ground.

charlie jumps first: pickle sauce!

nathan: pickle sauce? see you soon chloe.

chloe: go!

nathan jumps from the helicopter: wait when i am supposed to pull the cord? the drone passes close by nathan as he falls: crap crap crap crap! then he pulls the cord. his parachute opens but the drone shoots holes through the parachute and nathan falls hard and fast.

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