Hunter Hoard

Sully and his team are closing in on Nathan’s tracking signal. As they close in on the signal, the woods thicken and the imbalance of their moods intensifies.

Concerned, Sam says, “I don’t like this. I don’t like this at all.”

Annoyed, Sully asks, “Really? Too bushy for you?”

Sam says, “This isn’t the time for your weak ass jokes Victor.” Sam nervously looks behind them and around the area then continues to say, “Anything could pop out of those woods at any time. They’re waiting for us.”

Eagerly, Jesse says, “We’re getting closer.” As they pass a large dead tree covered in honeysuckle he yells, “Hey hey hey! Turn off the road here.”

Confused, Sam asks, “Into the woods?”

Oblivious to Sam’s tone, Jesse answers, “Yeah.”

Sam freaks out and yells, “No! Do not turn here!”

Sully turns into the woods and Sam loses it.

Sam yells, “What the fuck are you doing?!”

Sully’s look of determination is intense as he says, “Looking for Nathan.”

Desperate for Sully to see reason, Sam changes his approach and calmly says, “Sully-“

Sully says, “Shut up.”

Never mind. Sam screams out, “IT’S A TRAP! We can’t save Nathan if we’re dead.”

Sully asks, “So, now you’re concerned about Nathan?”

Sam asks, “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Sully says, “I mean you don’t care about Nathan. You never do. You only care about your next fix. Rather it be a prostitute, lost treasure or playing hero, it doesn’t matter as long as it gets your nuts off.”

Furious, Sam asks, “I’m playing hero?! God damn it Sully, look around you. You’re going to get us killed! I’d tell you to get your head out of your ass, but you’d still be constipated.”

Sully says, “One more word out of you and I’m kicking your ass out.”

Sam cracks his knuckles and says, “Just try it old man.”

Sully slams on the breaks as Sam raises his hand to throw a punch, then Jesse yells, “We’re here!” He gets out of the car and starts walking towards an abandoned train station. They stop fighting and follow Jesse out of the car, but Sam takes a shot gun.

Sully nervously looks around the area and says, “I don’t like this.”

Sam says, “Well look who’s catching up.” He cocks the shotgun, making sure it’s locked and loaded. Then continues to follow Jesse.

Concerned, Sully hurries to catch up with the others and says, “We should’ve driven the rest of the way.”

Annoyed, Sam says, “I can’t with you right now.”

Jesse rolls his eyes and says, “You stopped the car. Did you already forget that?” He points up towards a train car and says, “The tracker says he should be in that train car.”

Sully says, “Come on. Let’s hurry up so we can get the hell out of here.” He turns to Sam and says, “Sam, you take rear guard.” Sam falls back to cover the rear.

They all run to the train car and find the tracker sitting on a crate in plain view. There’s heavy breathing coming from inside the crate.

Sam asks, “Do you hear that?”

Sully says, “Yeah, it’s Nathan. It’s gotta be.” He tries to left the lid but it’s nailed down, so he continues to say, “Come on. Help me get this open.” He desperately looks for a way to open the crate.

Sam is skeptical when he finds a crowbar conveniently next to the crate and says, “That doesn’t sound like Nathan.” but he continues to help Sully open the crate. When the crate is opened a strange looking man stands up in the crate. He’s about 5 feet tall, wearing a full head mask with a special breathing apparatus and has a crazed look in his eyes.

Sam says, “That’s definitely not Nathan.” Somehow this triggers something in the man. He jumps out of the crate and grabs Sam from behind. Sam repeatedly elbows him in his stomach, trying to break free but is unsuccessful. Sully pulls him off of Sam and shoots him in the head with his handgun, killing the hunter.

Jesse asks, “Da fuck was that?”

Sully says, “I don’t know but-” He’s cut off by more heavy breathing. He continues to ask, “Do you hear that?”

Sam says, “Yeah, let’s get out of here.”

Sam, Sully and Jesse all run back to the car. They all hear heavy breathing closing in on them from behind. As they get closer to the car, the hunters come into view. There’s about a dozen of them and they’re gaining.

Sully says, “God damn these fuckers are fast.”

Sam says, “Shut up and run.”

They’re almost on them when Sam turns and fires 3 rounds with his shotgun, killing 4 of the hunters and the rest scatter into the woods. He turns and continues to race Sully and Jesse back to the car.

Unexpectedly, A hunter jumps out of the bushes, surprising Jesse and tackling him to the ground. The hunter quickly pins Jesse and starts choking the life out of him. Jesse tries to break the hold but is helpless. Finally, Sully kicks the hunter hard in the head causing him to release Jesse. They help Jesse up and continue to run to the car. Unfortunately, the hunters are almost on them again.

Out of breath, Sam says, “There’s the car! Get in! I’ll hold them off!” Sully and Jesse rush to get into the car as he turns and shoots at the hunters while walking backwards towards the car. There’s about 2 dozen of them now and he’s running out of bullets. He takes his last shot and hears a clicking sound.

One of hunters says, “Ah you’re dead now!”

Sully yells, “Sam! Get in!”

Sam gets in the car, while Jesse covers him. Sully drives off, running over a few hunters in the process.

One of the hunters says, “Where do you think you’re going?” They all push a button on the side of their masks and their speed increases as their breathing intensifies. They chase after the car and are catching up.

Sam reloads his shotgun gun and says, “Step on it Victor!” Jesse and Sam shoot at every hunter within range, but it’s having little effect. They’re not scattering as they were before.

Sully swerves around trees and bushes but finally makes it to the road. At first the road is clear, but one by one about 3 dozen hunters converge onto the road. He tries running over them like before but there are too many of them. They jump onto the car, and one even tries to pull Sam out of the car. Jesse punches the hunter in the face, knocking him off of Sam. but more climb onto the car.

Sully speeds towards a crossroad ahead and says, “Hold on!” then he sharply turns the wheel to the left, spinning the car in a donut in the middle of the intersection. He throws off all the hunters and kills several in the process. Then speeds off down the road.

Jesse kicks the last hunter off of the car and says, “That was bullshit.”

Exhausted, Sam says, “Yeah, let’s not go back in there.”

They continue to drive away but stop when they see several military cars blocking the road. Sully says, “Ah shit.” Then turns to go back the other way, but there are several jeeps with guns cut off their escape behind them. A lady jumps out of an armored SUV, walks towards their car and says, “Victor Sullivan? Is that you?”

Sam and Jesse both look at Sully in shock as he slowly gets out of the car and says, “Hello Tina. It’s good to see you again.”

Tina says, “Hmpf. Enrique!” Then The Rental Agent comes out of the SUV and stands next to Tina. She continues to ask, “Are these the guys?”

Enrique says, “Yes, ma’am. They stole my motorcycle and didn’t pay. Then they beat me up.”

She asks, “They all beat you up?”

Enrique says, “Yes, ma’am.”

Doubtfully, Tina says, “Tell the truth Enrique. All of them?”

Enrique says, “No ma’am. Only the one in the back.”

Tina yells, “Aye, you in the back. Get out of the car.”

Sam and Jesse look at each other. Neither of them wants to get out of the car.

Sully says, “Come on. Do what she says.”

Sam and Jesse get out of the car and Tina asks, “Which one?”

Enrique says, “The tall one.”

She gives Sam and curious look then says, “Manuel, Arturo, Jose.” Three men walk towards Sam, pull him off to the side.

Sam says, “Hey take it easy.” Jesse moves to defend him, but Sully holds him back as the three men start beating Sam.

Tina says to Sully, “It’s been a long-time Victor. What you been up to?”

Sully hears Sam’s agonizing groans of pain in the background, tries his best to ignore him and says, “Oh just getting into trouble.”

Sternly, Tina says, “Trouble? Does she have a name?”

Sully says, “No one you’d know.” Sam’s groans of pain grow weaker, and Sully becomes uneasy.

Pointedly, Tina asks, “Is her name ‘Treasure’?”

Sully weakly attempts to stand his ground and says, “Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t.” Then he looks at Tina with puppy dog eyes and whispers, “Tina?” Then looks towards Sam in a plea for mercy.

Tina raises her hand and says, “Chicos.” and the men stop beating Sam. He’s bleeding and bruised up pretty bad, but he’s still conscious. Sully and Jesse help him up, as Tina says, “Victor, we need to talk.” To her gang she says, “Chicos.” One of her men gets into the driver seat of Sully’s car while two others force them into Tina’s SUV.

Inside the SUV Sully asks, “Where are you taking us?”

Tina asks, “No lo sabes?”

Confused, Sully says, “Uhh…”

Tina smiles and says, “Hmm. There’s a new military force invading our territory. We don’t like it.”

Even more confused, Sully asks, “This is your territory? When did you come so far west?”

Annoyed, Tina sternly says, “When it became profitable.” She gives Sully a look that’s not meant to be challenged and Sully responds with a straight poker face. They’re in a bad place and their only advantage is information. Sully needs to give, take and hide what’s necessary for his team to survive this.

She continues on to say, “We stormed their compound a few days ago.” She waits for Sully’s reaction, but he holds his poker face, so she continues on to say, “1000 against 100 and we lost.”

Sully says, “Hmm.” Not wanting to give her any information, he holds his poker face.

But Tina sees through it anyways and says, “Surprised? We were. They’re not the typical group of mercenaries.”

Jesse rolls his eyes and says, “Hmpf. Tell me about it.”

Tina looks at Jesse then back and Sully and says, “You know them? Friends of yours?”

Sully gives Jesse a side eye, drops his poke face and says, “No.” Awkwardly Sully asks, “You’re taking us to see your brother, aren’t you?”

Tina says, “A mercenary group invading our territory, hundreds of my men dead and Victor Sullivan just so happens to be in the area looking for ‘Treasure’. Yes, I’m definitely taking you to my brother.”

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